These Homes (NES) gives applicants greater choice and control in the process of finding a home. Allocation is based on those who have expressed an interest in the property, with priority given to the household which makes the best use of it and has the highest level of housing need. Operated in the North East jointly by Castlehill, Sanctuary Scotland Housing Association and Hillcrest Homes, These Homes will advertise all available properties on its website for these landlords every two weeks.
If you have any queries or need support to complete the registration process you can contact us on 01224 628119 or TheseHomesNES@castlehillha.co.uk
To apply you must register with These Homes:
What you need to do
You will need to register with These Homes by going to thesehomes.com and completing an online application.
These Homes, What’s New?
New changes include:
Priority Passes are now included during the registration process to ensure we capture all of your needs
Customised searches – available properties can now be filtered to display your preferred property type and location automatically
Email alerts – you can set up your account to send you an email if a property that matches your preferences is listed
FAQ’s are available here which may help
If you are homeless or threatened with homelessness, please also contact your local authority directly for advice and assistance.
The portal called Housing Online is available and applicants will need to register there. We understand that Home exchanges can still be requested through Apply4Homes on an ongoing basis. Further information on this portal will be available here when we have it.
Aberdeenshire Council
The new online housing application. Please visit the website, https://www.aberdeenshire.gov.uk/housing/housing-options/apply-for-housing/ for further information.
Moray Council
Housing is allocated via Housing Online.
Osprey Housing and Osprey Housing Moray
Please visit https://www.ospreyhousing.org.uk/ or call 01224 548000 for more information on where to apply.
Langstane Housing Association
For further updates on our new online housing application form please visit https://www.langstane-ha.co.uk/what-we-do/latest-news/. We will continue to allocate from our current waiting list.
Hanover Housing Association
You can apply directly to Hanover now at https://www.hanover.scot/
Landlord Contact Details
Aberdeenshire Council: 03456 08 12 03
Moray Council: 0300 1234566
Osprey Housing: 01224 548000
Osprey Housing Moray: 01343 543210
Langstane Housing Association: 01224 423000
Hanover Housing Association: 01343 548585

You can apply for a home with Aberdeen City Council online, as well as find out more about your housing options.